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Team Event
You are not alone in this event? 

In order to create more excitement in this event, and to promote team work among your team members, the committee has decided to hold a team event in this Jamboree.

If you and friends or family members have registered in this Jamboree event, you can register your top 5 members to take part in this team event. On the event day, the top 3 out of the 5 members you registered for the team event will report to the crew to register their position after they completed the challenge. However, in order to be counted in the team event, they must be the first 100 among all the participants to complete the challenge ride. The position of your top 3 riders on the event day will determine the points they score. For example, if he/she completed the challenge in the 1st position, he collect 1 point, if he/she completed at 5th. position, he/she collects 5 points for your team. The point collected by your top 3 riders on the event day will be total up. The team with the lowest aggregated points will be the winner.

What will your team get as the winner? Your team will be presented a nice trophy!  

Here is how it works;
Please contact us if you have any further question.

1st Reveal of the event Jersey

1st Reveal of the event Jersey
*** This jersey design is still not final! Design may change at anytime without notice. There are also more sponsors logo to be added on.